Thursday 1 November 2012

Len's Favorite Persian Restaurant (Persia Grill)

I admit it, I never ate at this restaurant because the first time I saw the restaurant on tv it was Kian promoting it. Famous for being inside the PBB house, I always thought its another celebrity run fare. I always dismiss restos with celebrity names under its belt because most of it weren't good (except for JT's)and most businessmen only get celebs to give the place some cred.

It was only years after that I'd give it a try because it was a favorite of Len. Len always has this thing for  Persian food. There must be this lure of Shawarma and Kebab that I never really fully understood except for those post inuman sessions.

She recommended that I try their Valero branch (other branches being not so consistent in their taste).

 We wanted to try their Baba Ganoush (eggplant and spices) but it wasn't available at that time so we had Hummus instead.

Beer prices in Makati is expensive. I'd always settle for Perspolis P33 beer. :) But the Shawarma's worth it.

Meals were affordable. Rex swears by their Shawarma plate, being "beef'y " and all. While the kebab's  tastes the same as any other kebab. The hot sauce didn't disappoint though. I knew it was supposed to be what hot sauce should be like HOT; and not watered down, tasting more like 80% water and 20% chili with most chili settling in the bottom.

And I wouldn't want to miss Len's favorite liver plate. The whole thing is sauteed liver with tomatoes and onions. I had to hand it though, the liver's fresh. I know, how can it not be? Most restaurants, I get the bitter- tasting tough ones. This dish, like the one's I have back home, tender without the pungent and grainy texture that most liver dishes have here.

Considering its in Makati and the cheapest meal I can get their is fastfood or jolly jeep, this one's quite in the affordable range. For around 80-100, you can get by with a shawarma or the liver plate. Not so bad, you can opt to get the Business meal for around 130 (your choice of shawarma, tika etc with tomato and buttered rice). At least they don't lie about the buttered rice being butter and not Star :)

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